再生空间计划(Space Regeneration Projects,缩写:SRP)成立于2012年,是一家组织在替代空间中进行艺术实践和展览的非营利艺术机构。当前办公地点位于中国天津,管理团队由一批年轻策展人和艺术家组成。再生空间计划以在废墟中举办跨领域群展为主要展览形式,后又发展出两个子项目:在尖山拆迁区进行个人展览的“尖山计划”,和以展览介入日常家庭的“三口艺术”,同时也积极与其他机构展开合作。总体上,再生空间计划的工作目的是用艺术的方式给予非常规展示空间新的意义,探索在非白盒子空间中进行艺术创作和展示的可能性,并通过在不同城市和地点因地制宜地实施不同主题和形式的展览,发掘偶得空间*(found space)的价值,推动多领域的跨界合作。与此同时,再生空间计划关注艺术的学术传播和交流,在展览之外开展系列学术研究和活动, 并努力建立艺术家与民众之间的交流平台,为活化社会做出相应的贡献。
Founded in 2012, Space Regeneration Projects (SRP) is a non-profit art organization focusing on executing art practices and exhibitions in alternative space. The SRP is based in Tianjin, China, and is operated by a group of young curators and artists.Adopting cross-disciplinary group shows of ruins as its major program, SRP has also initiated two sub-programs, the “Jianshan Project” focusing on solo shows at the Jianshan demolishing site and “Home Art” introducing art practices into everyday life, and has collaborated with other organizations as well. Generally, the objectives of SRP are to furnish unconventional exhibition spaces by means of art with new meanings, to explore possibilities of art making and displaying in non-white cube spaces, and to study the values of found space* through conducting site-specific exhibitions in different cities and places to encourage cross-boundary collaborations.In the meantime, SRP pays special attention to academic communications by launching a series of academic events and research alongside its exhibitions. It also attempts to establish a platform between artists and the general public and is dedicated to stimulating society in this sense.
*偶得空间(found space)是偶得物品(found object / objet trouvé)的衍生词,指在现成的为非艺术目的构建的空间。
*Found space is a derivation of found object (objet trouvé), and it refers to ready-made spaces that were originally built for non-art purposes.
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